Health5G is certainly a use case rich project. The project is split into 3 main categories of healthcare scenarios, namely healthcare at hospital, healthcare at home, and emergency healthcare. A fourth category is cybersecurity which encompasses all use case scenarios. You can access all videos here, or alternatively if you wish to browse each category separately you can follow the links below.
1. Healthcare at Hospital
Advancements in sensing, connectivity and AI also lead to improvements in existing hospital-based patient treatments, resulting in more accurate, personalised and trackable treatments for patients. Here, Health5G is working on a number of interesting ‘Hospital’ use case scenarios. Data privacy & security, simplicity for end user, battery life and 5G network slicing are prominent features in home scenarios. Click here for hospital healthcare videos.
2. Healthcare at Home
While the traditional approach is based on treating an inpatient or an outpatient at a hospital, societal & medical & technological drivers are causing a shift towards extended home care for the patients. Technological developments and ageing populations are enabling the elderly and the vulnerable to be taken care of not at specific locations only, but also at the comfort of their homes. In Health5G, we try to address this set of scenarios under what we call the ‘Home’ scenario. This scenario is characterised by hospital management system integration flexibility, indoor 5G capacity planning and 5G network slicing are of higher importance at hospital setups. Click here for home healthcare videos.
3. Emergency Healthcare
The ubiquitous connectivity and improved sensing & AI technologies are used in emergency scenarios to im-prove impacts of first aid and reduce fatali-ty. The results are studied in Health5G under a number of ‘Emergency’ use case scenarios. Location and context awareness, reliable 5G connectivity are the key factors that drive this group. Click here for emergency healthcare videos.
4. Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity aspects of data as it potentially travels from IoT to edge gateway to 5G network to cloud is crucial to the project due to the security and privacy dimensions. Click here for cybersecurity videos.
Country Pilots
The above-mentioned use case scenarios are studied, and devel-opments are carried out in both the health and the connectivity domains, enabling new possibili-ties thanks to the 5G technology, such as:
- Remote assistance, treatment and monitoring with 5G
- Better monitoring and improved treatment with AI
- Increased personal wellbeing and safety
- Reduced strain on hospital infra-structureThe results are tested, validated and demonstrated in operational pilots that come under Hospital, Home or Emergency Scenarios.
Pilots of 6 participating countries, namely Sweden, Germany, Korea, Turkey, Spain, and Ireland, as well as a 7th pilot cybersecurity (an overarching topic for all use case types) are presented below. The presentation includes a demo description as well as a link to its YouTube video. These are the featured videos, however, if you wish to view the rest of the 30+ demo videos prepared by the Health5G partners, you can go & check out the Demo Videos section.
Swedish Country Pilot: Patient home care: Integrated Swedish Demonstration
Accellerate, Alkit, Alten, Camanio, CCR-V, MDH, and Tele2 (SWE); Enforma (TUR)
The goal of this demo is to provide an end-to-end demonstration of the combined capabilities of the Swedish consortium and Enforma. The workings of the demo is as follows:
- MDH provides an overview of the involved applications and products in the demo.
- CCR-V is a healthcare clinic that is situated at a distance from the rest of the demo elements.
- CCR-V establishes live connection via Tele2’s 5G network.
- The connection is made to Camanio’s product called Giraff, a robotic telepresence that is used to communicate with remote patients. Giraff is actively used through the rest of the demo, enabling the CCR-V physician to provide care at a distance.
- First, Accellrate uses its Wireless Planner in order to accurately measure 5G network metrics, access cellular network via 5G and redistribute access indoors via Wi-Fi.
- Next, Alkit’s eSense platform is used, which monitors a rehabilitation patient’s typically post-treatment or post-surgery body practices. The patient performs some rehabilitation exercises with eSense, and at some point experiences shoulder pain.
- The data generated by eSense is then interpreted on Enforma’s Healthcare Analytics Platform, which performs rule-based fall risk assessment.
- The health-care professional connected to Giraff suggests that the patient stops exercising , and takes medication instead.
- A corrective action is provided by Alten/OnDosis product called Dose Management System, which is used by the patient to administer medication based on outcome of the earlier step.
- The health-care professional suggests replanning of the rehabilitation exercises for the next days, which is shown via the eSense platform that includes replanning capabilities.
One novelty comes from the value chain in this demo, starting from the remote healthcare provider and ending with medication dispenser. Another novelty is the incorporation of 5G wireless technology. The Giraff uses 5G signals converted to indoor WiFi, and is controlled with the new pilot software, where the low latency facilitates the remote control. The ability to provide network metrics and convert 5G accessibility to WiFi (Wireless Planner), the rehabilitation platform (eSense), analysis of data (Healthcare Analytics Platform), and smart administration of medication (Dose Management) all represent measurable leaps beyond state-of-the-art.
Extra material is available with more detail in separate video demonstrations: Accelerate, Enforma & Tele2: An End-to-End-Fall Detection over 5G,Accelerate: Accelerate Wireless Planner, Alten: @Home UC2 Final Demo Alkit: eSense Home Rehabilitation System, Accelerate & Camanio Video Meetings Demonstration in Health%G
German Country Pilot: Zero Touch Infrastructure Orchestration for Emergency Services
TUB and Fraunhofer IIS (DEU)
In this demo we show a zero-touch e2e infrastructure orchestration platform (ZIMO) for multi-providers infrastructure services, i.e., 5G network slice and Cloud/Edge computing infrastructure. On an emergency event, the paramedic can access ZIMO and order the deployment of emergency apps in the areas with high-level QoS specification. An infrastructure slice consisting of mobile network and cloud/edge computing is autonomously composed and provisioned for emergency services on-demand using local network and computing resources provided by different providers. The autonomous application-aware orchestration of the infrastructure is enabled by our intelligent control loop, which translate user QoE requirement to specific infrastructure configuration and control commands. We also show the deployed 5G network and cloud infrastructure in our emergency testbed.

The need for 5G and the added value it provides: the flexibility and programmability of 5G network allows it to act as an integration platform for converged a IoT-Cloud-Edge infrastructure supporting future eHealth application. 5G support for slicing concepts allows computing and communication infrastructure to be provisioned on-demand for opportunistic mobile applications and decommissioned automatically, resulting in lower operational cost and better resource efficiency.
Korean Country Pilot: Wireless Patient Monitoring Inside Hospitals
HicareNet and LifeSemantics (KOR)
Aims: This use case is an enhanced and extended system of traditional PERS(Personal Emergency Response System) using 5G technologies. The main goal is to achieve the reliability and latency requirements for the wireless patient monitoring service inside hospitals. We should also consider the power consumption of wearable devices. For interoperability, health IT communication standards are highly recommended.
Schematic overview: The system consists of eHealth bands, eHealth gateways, and an eHealth application. We focus on two cases: wireless vital sign monitoring under normal conditions and emergency calls.

Turkish Country Pilot: Healthcare at Hospital and at Home
Enforma, Inosens, Netas, Sempertech, Ericsson Turkey, Turkcell Teknoloji, and Vestel (TUR)
The goal is to analyze the 5G enabled rehabilitation exercises for hospital case. Hence, it is allowed to use multiple sensors for exercises and monitor remotely by using 5G infrastructure.

In this use case, we performed connection and data transfer from a hospital (or rehabilitation center) with 5G facilities. We adapted systems to 5G technologies by providing a more advantageous solution in the areas of high connection speed, minimum network delay, uninterrupted communication, and security. We integrated these systems into the 5G networks: using wearable motion analysis sensors based on IMU (inertia measurement unit), camera-based sensors (Kinect v2 Sensor, Leap Motion), balance boards, analysis of motion detection and exercise applications used for transferring, analyzing, and storing data.
Spanish Country Pilot: Gait Monitoring System and Automatic Deployer by Experis
Experis (ESP)
The demonstration has two parts: the first part is focused on the gait monitoring system itself, and it showcases the reception of data from a smart device using the ANT+ technology, the mobile application, and the final version of the cloud platform. The second part focuses on the cloud broker, and it shows the CSP recommendation according to non-functional requirements and the automatic deployment of the cloud platform videoconference server. The main benefits expected from 5G are the increased bandwidth and reliability for the video conference system that will be part of the platform, the lower delay between the videoconference and the gathered data, and the increased Quality of Experience, which increases the trust of users in the platform.
Irish Country Pilot: Wearable Video from Paramedic to Hospital
RedZinc (IRL); Inosens, Bezmialem Hospital, Turkcell (TUR); Vasteras Hospital (SWE); Deutsche Telekom, highstreet technologies, Leipzig University (DEU)
RedZinc demonstrated wearable paramedic video at the Health 5G Mid Term Review. This was a short video showing the demonstrations carried out during January and February 2020, before the pandemic arrived. The video shows paramedic video in 3 applications. The first application was with Turkcell and Inosens and Benzialem hospital in Istanbul. In this demonstration we showed how a doctor in a disaster earthquake recovery scenario could obtain remote support from a doctor in a hospital emergency department. The demonstration includes team from Bezmialem hospital simulating an earthquake rescue scenario. Also in the video was a demonstration from a doctor on call training scenario at Vasteras Hospital in Sweden. Finally there was a 5G test on Deutsche Telekom’s 5G network in Berlin with highstreet technologies and Leipzig University.
Cybersecurity Pilot: Sirena – Security and Cybersecurity Tool
Nunsys, GConsulting and Guardian (ESP)
In the demonstration we can see how Sirena, GConsulting and Guardian works together to achieve the objective of controlling all sides of security field; Cyber-Security, as technical issue. Governance and normative, as business interest. In the video we show how works the platform in an emulated SCADA system to control the behavior of the different devices in a critical infrastructure, in this case, a Sea Port, but in the same way the critical industrial may be a Hospital, a Factory or other infrastructure with industrial devices.