
The enhancement of the connectivity in emergency situations is the target of the third use case. The steps taken will be:

  1. implement real-time data collection, storage to cloud, and integration to service systems;
  2. test and design services for the emergency room and care personnel;
  3. test and design services for the field care givers – mobile (ambulances, helicopters) and stationary (on-site immediate care and longer duration field hospitals) and
  4. develop 5G capabilities to support the needed functionalities.
  5. make use of all available connectivity and technologies to allow best eHealth care

Need for 5G: In emergency situations, we need to send high sampling frequency measurement, high quality real time video including reliable imaging (US, CT etc). Furthermore, security, privacy, scalability, and edge computing are technologies that will enable emergency personnel to react faster and take care of patients faster. As a summary, the 4G/5G URLLC and 4G/5G mMTC technologies are required. Another key technology is multi-link communication, being an application layer that aggregates any IP connection available to provide reliability, bandwidth, low latency and mobility that are very much needed for eHealth emergency.